Unfortunately i fell in love with Ibiza more than my companion of the trip. It was when i returned to a miserable cold, wet England that the fog clouding my eyes lifted. I was not falling in love with this person like i should be, and rather than missing there company, i was eager to be apart and see my family. Alarm bells were most definitely ringing. Going back to university and starting the next chapter of my adventure showed me i needed to break things off before they got to serious. This was harder than i anticipated. To his credit- he was persistent and i did question myself on numerous occasions, but i was sure this was necessary. The whirlwind romance i got caught up in, the lust and excitement finally dulled and spat me out.
Long distance relationships are very hard work. And after a 4 year long distance struggle i knew i wasn’t willing to do this again. After many long dreaded phone calls the ties were cut and i was left to my own devices to start my second year adventure and my beloved university. Who knew what a strange exciting twisted year i was about to embark on...
Remember the glass is always half full..